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Abstract/ Poster Guidelines

Please submit your abstract in the following format:

Abstract title (Bolded ) - Arial font, size 12

First author’s First Name, First author LAST NAME; Second author’s First name, second author’s LAST NAME; etc
1Department, Organization, Country 
2Department, Organization, Country 
E-Mail numbers: (1) Academic (2) Private

Abstract size : Maximum 225 words. Please do not include references.

Font & size : Arial font, size 10

Keywords : Only three (3)


Vital Information for preparing your abstract

1. Abstracts should be submitted via our online link. 
2. There is a limit of one contributed submission per registered author. 
3. Please name your attachment as follows: Family name personal name_abstract.doc e.g. De Silva_Ajith_abstract.doc
4. Accompany your abstract with a biography of no more than 50 words. 
5. All abstracts must be submitted in English 
6. Abstracts should be based on any of the session/topic areas listed in this website 
7. Abbreviations should be defined the first time they appear in your text. Ex; Food & Agricultural Organization(FAO), before being used as an abbreviation only. Please do not define or use abbreviations in the title. 
8. Please avoid complex mathematical formulas. 
9. Tables, charts or other graphics may not be included and will be deleted by the editors. 
10. Authors should indicate their presentation preference in the corresponding menu: 
      1. oral 
      2. poster
      3. virtual

Please indicate the following on your abstract:

• Title of paper
• Name of Author(s)
• Contact details for the author(s)
• Three to four keywords
• Theme/Session

After submission of your abstract

1)Notification of acceptance/rejection of the abstracts submitted will be sent to you via e-mail
2) The conference committee reserves the right to decide on the final allocation and presentation method
3) By submitting an abstract you grant the organizers permission to publish the abstract in hard copy or an electronic formats.
4) The conference conveners reserve the right to accept and reject abstracts for inclusion in the program.
5) The invitation to submit an abstract or the acceptance of an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration fee costs.
6) Presenters must be registered as conference participants before their papers can be scheduled into the program.


Please submit your biography in the following format:

LAST NAME, First Name

Biography (maximum of 50 words):

If you are unable to submit your abstract through our online system

Forward your abstract to

Poster Instructions 

Posters – an opportunity to attract interest for your research project and engage with fellow delegates throughout the whole conference, posters are an excellent way for presenters to focus on delivery of succinct, attention grabbing information in a visual format.

Instruction for Poster Preparation

Dimensions : 36” (Height) x 25” (Width) inches (Maximum)

Paper (Recycle )

Design the poster to address one central question. State the question clearly in the poster, then use your discussion time with individuals to expand or expound upon issues surrounding that central theme.

Provide an explicit take-home message.

Summarize implications and conclusions briefly, and in user-friendly language.

Give credit where it is due. Have an acknowledgments section, in smaller font size (maybe 14 – 18 point), where you acknowledge contributors and funding organizations.

Vary the size and spacing of the poster sections to add visual interest, but do so in moderation.

Do not wander too far away from your poster during the session; be available for discussion!

An effective poster is … Focused on a single message. 
Graphic – Lets graphs and images tell the story; uses text sparingly. 
Keeps the sequence well-ordered and obvious.


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